All posts filed under: Food Art

Wine that is blue as blue jeans

… is so blue cause it is spiked with indigo – the natural colour of original blue jeans. Some natural wine varieties – such ‘blauer Portugiese’ or ‘Blauer Zweigelt'(see pic below to compare colours) – are very dark wines cause of naturally occuring blue pigments in wine. But, this new wine variety is a marketing trick. The Spanish brank ‘GIK‘ thought to themselves: “hm, if everybody is selling red wine – we will sell blue wine”. And, their concept works – they are celebrating economic successes in Spain. Quite obviously, it is absolutely tres chic, to drink blue wine if everybody else drinks red wine 😉 Now they are up to conquering other European markets. Interesting! Their wine by the way is product of food technology and not of raising a special new grap variety… they take out the grapes red pigments and add blue pigments – indigo and anthocyan – exctracted from the graps skins. Honestly, I want to try it!!    

The 5 best you-tube channels for making your children kick-ass food

Having children means getting soaked into a world full of trends and fashions the child-less adult has no idea about. Some of them are cool and make you feel alive, others can be annoying… Moreover, as much as you want to invest in your child and raise it in a responsible, inspired way, every now and then (when all your energy, wisdome, and ideas suddenly just leave you again) you feel tempered of allowing them to follow the most stupid trends and latest ‚in‘-things out there, i.e. to game the extra hour, spend to much money on some franchise items,  eat this unhealthy/useless candies now en vogue, and visit the bad influence idiot friend who is currently the opinion leader in the hood/school (the last comment was mean, but a friend of mine – mother of a 5 year old – really phrased it like this). Why ? – cause your kid wants to belong to the group and just enjoy bizzare things as they are fun. There is away of reducing such moments! At …

Upflating your kitchen

Do you live in a tinnie-tiny apartment and get kinda claustrophobic some time? There is a solution: just draw the world you wanna live in on your wall. You don’t believe me that it works – just take a look on the picture and convince yourself that it DOES work. If you are not great in drawing – the artist in the picture is called Mar Hernandez and works at ‘Espacio Oculto Madrid‘ – an artist community that is always looking out to organize more happenings (maybe even decorating your kitchen – ask them!). Mar, for example, is a big fan of the intitution of dining together. Check out here video below:

Edible six-pence rings to fight plastic waste

The plastic rings holding together a beer six-pence kill marine animals in very cruel ways (see for example these pictures). The craft beer brand Saltwater Brewery, targeting surfers, fishermen and ocean lovers, wanted to show that the madness can be stopped. Together  with the New York-based small agency We Believers, they developed edible six-pences made from wheat and barley, i.e. the stuff that is left over when brewing beer. A magnificent story (first reported in the net by the way here)!!! Very yummy!!! That of course reminds me a bit about my thoughts on edible spoons I wrote about recently, so I thought this break-through is also gonna shared on this blog! Cheerioh!!

Poiera Dusty – an opportunity to spend an afternoon with friends

Recently, I described the liquor wine Maydie – quite an experience and a beautiful wine to be drunk alongside a dark chocolate desert. The chocolate artist Warren Laine-Naida now brought to my attention another wine – Poiera Dusty (see picture)- that excellently goes along with dark chocolate. If you think you see a mob on the wine’s label – you are right there is a mob on the wine’s label… Mobs and vaccuum cleaners are the distinction mark on all Poiera wine labels. The reason for this is simple: when the current wine-grower and owner – Jorge Moreira – bought Poiera, the slope was so dry that it reminded him of a dust desert. Since his first wine in 2001, this vineyard in the Dourotales region of Portugal has been critically acclaimed for their original and spirited wines. The wines are grown on a slope with northerly aspect by the way, i.e.tastes of Poiera wine tend to be more elegant compared to sun  bathed plants. And, this characteristic is preserved throughout the whole wine-making process: …

Faces – the little things in life

A friend of mine works in advertisement but his last name is Koch – which means ‘chef’ or ‘cooker’ in German. We talked some other time about LeckerBiss and he liked the site. In particular, cause he himself in his kitchen always encounters these little magical moments. In fact, he has collected a kind of food diary over the last years of little snapshots he took in his kitchen. For example, he has this little collection of faces. I thought them to be magnificent and worth sharing 🙂 Enjoy     +  

Villa Ratatouille in Frankfurt

Frankfurt is definetly the labtop bag among the German towns: practical, condensed, and rather sporty than beautifull. Around every 10years, half of its population is substituted by new immigrants. That makes this town sometimes a bit anonymous, especially for all the expats, yuppies and other career-starters that moved into the city to find their luck. You are not alone! A vibrant scene of local creatives is constantly trying to figure out how to entertain you! Especially, a vibrant culinary event scene offers quite pleasent distractions from daily routine. Check them out and mark everything you like in your calendar. Among the prime targets any creative event maker has in Frankfurt is of course to hold an event in the area of the Frankfurt main train station. This infamous area is cursed by prostitution, organized crime, and drug addicts. Thus, it is a very ‘authentic’ place and has gained the attention of the local Hispter scene – leading to the opening of quite a number of Hipster bars in that area. The newest big thing: Villa …

Luxurious, mass-produced or rather self-made

Eat your cuttlery! It is stylish, saves the planet, and you can make it yourself in any forms you wish. Edible spoons have gained attention outside of the world of cocktail partys as an Indian, Narayana Peesapaty, sees a possibility to reduce plastic waste in India by turning edible spoons into a commodity; currently, consumption of one-time-use plastic cuttlery is high and their substitution by edible spoons could pronouncedly decrease the total plastic consumption of this country. This is of course a very inspiring and yummy idea! In any case, edible spoons are nowadays everywhere (they are not copryright protectable) – here some examples:

Last call – get those bottles of champagne now!

What are you doing the morning of the 31st? Well, in case you are hosting a new years eve party – this is your last chance of getting some bottles of sparkling wine. Cause – guess what! – this year, just like the years before, new champagne cocktail fashions have appeared on the scene that are just too tempting to be ignored. After all, its always best to prepare several different types of those, cause experience taught me it is the safest way to keep the guests entertained and get them drunk quickly enough so that they don‘t ask for entertainment anymore. No, don‘t get me wrong, champagne cocktails are really an art and in no way a cheap road to eternal headache the next day. This year‘s trendsetter for champagne cocktail recipes is ‚goodie mother‘ with a rosemary mix: But it is always worth going back in time, i.e. to the year 2008, to seek additional inspiration from e.g. ‚Noble Pig‘ – all in orange: In 2014, 2013, and 2012, our lives were enriched …

The Best Food Porn 2015

With a day and some hours remaining till the new year, it is time to waste some minutes on things that really don‘t matter before focusing on the important issues in life again; let‘s talk about food porn! In contrast to general photography, no official gremium(/-a) exist(s) that elect the most relevant shots of the last year (if you are interested in general photography awards, look for example here, here, and here). However, the food porn movement is starting to get there. Last year, the Berlin food week in end of September/ beginning of October picked ‚food porn‘ for the first time as its theme. A date you should mark in your calendar for 2016, as it is gonna be repeated! As part of the fair, the best food porn photographs get awarded. Among the winners was – as reported by EyeEm – ‚yinyin‘ with his picture of grilling fish: Also,  also this contribution by ‚urban poetry‘ made it among the top selection: Now, of course, determining the best food porn is tricky , as …

Gormet Junk Food

Ever wondered what your favorite snack would like look if a proper chef prepared them? Well, now you can you can. There is an Instagram account where a chef uses things like potato chips and creates amazing plates that would probably cause grey hairs with other professionals. 🙂 Check out the rest of the story here and enjoy the artificial colors.  

Take a SWIG out of this flask!

Ok, not exactly food or drink, but a very lovely bit of kit to store your favorite beverage. For those whiskey lovers (or their loved ones), here is a great little stocking stuffer for the holidays. SWIG® hip flasks is a small company in the UK. The little bottles are work of art in itself and you can add more personality with the selection of pouches available. I personally love the Union Jack one, though the orange below is also fantastic.