All posts filed under: Food Porn

I feel like I’m getting fat just looking at the picture…

Doughnuts are sugary calorie bombs that are ridiculously tasty, whether it is snack or breakfast. Cinnamon rolls are also a lovely sticky treat that is on par with doughnuts. So, what if you want both – AT THE SAME TIME! Well, someone has thought about you. Chef Thiago Silva created this artery clogging horror for your family practitioner or a little piece of heaven, depending on your point of view. You can check out more images on his Instagram account or view the link below within the caption to the Nerdist page. Please excuse me while I go run a marathon.

Ratatouille it like Pixar

Hola people! Sorry for my personally hiatus. Life took over. And by life I mean new job, new city, new life. 😛 🙂 I bow down to LeckerFoodie for holding down the fort. So *rubs hands* let jump right back in. I saw this awesome how-to video to make ratatouille like in the Pixar film. The guy also gives some awesome ideas for other unconventional variations as well. Enjoy & happy weekend!

Street Food Around the World

There is a very cute TV series that I haven’t always had the chance to view fully because it channel hops (such as National Geographic). It is called ‘Street Food Around the World.’  The host is entertaining & energetic, and if I will reveal a personal secret, you know, just between friends, the series inspired me to do this blog with my currently very busy writing partner. 😀 Below is an episode about Turkish cuisine. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did the first time I saw it. 🙂

The Last Seltzer Bottler in Brooklyn

There is a fascinating sample of the a documentary on the last old fashioned seltzer bottler in Brooklyn. In the early 1900s thousands of seltzer deliverymen criss-crossed the nation, schlepping heavy glass bottles full of fizzy water to millions of thirsty customers. Today, with only a handful of deliverymen left in the country, the siphon machines at Gomberg Seltzer Works don’t turn like they used to. Most of the old customers have passed on (or moved to Florida). But there are still bubbles being made by third-generation seltzer filler Kenny Gomberg. In Jessica Edwards’ short documentary film SELTZER WORKS, the last bottler in Brooklyn fends off the supermarket seltzer take-over and honors this simple drink’s place in history. A little sample below:


I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas. Something that I thought would taste fantastic for this time of the year (make that any time), is the alfajor (or alfajores pl). Though originally from Spain, it spread where the Spanish went to places like the Philippines and, of course, Latin America. The one from Spain sounds a bit like the Middle Eastern baklawa (I’d love to hear feedback on it) based on its ingredients, which is understandable due to the Arab influence from when they ruled the region. I am personally more familiar with the Argentianian variety made with dolce de leche with the two cookie pieces. Sometimes there are variations with jam or mousse. I still prefer the dolce de leche. In any case, I leave you with an image with the mini version with coconut flakes that I got to taste during my travels. It is as yummy as it looks.

Adding the little extra touch to your dragon fruit salad

Dragon fruit salads are popular among lazy cooks and hosts all around the world. A dragon fruit allows you tp prepare a stunishing eye candy with putting hardly any effort into it. Scoop out the fruit meet with a melon spoon – forming little balls of fruit meat. Use the emptied dragon fruit peel as a bowl into which you can drap the fruit salad. In the picture I show a mixture of red and white dragon fruit together with blueberries and tangerine. The downside of a dragon fruit salad is that the looks are often greater than the tastes; especially in countries to which dragon fruit is imported into the fruit meat may have a very faint taste. It is a magnificent taste but very fine not fitting the catchy visual sensation of dragon fruit. There is an easy trick how to increase the taste of the salad: make a dressing of its own ingredients! In my case, I mixed 4 tea spoons red dragon fruit meat with 6 blueberries and the juice of …

On the spotlight: Smørrebrød

Once upon a time in Denmark, somebody had the idea of declaring bread with butter a national dish. And ever since, Danes claim to be the unique inventors of bread (in particular rye bread) with butter. The art of decorating traditional Smørrebrød has been documented in beautifull pictures by quite some people. One of the best ones, you can find on the web, is this guy: The site gives you tons of decorating tips for Smørrebrød; a task which can easily turn into a hobby… Also, for all none-Danes around you, recipes to make your own rye-bread at home are included as well. So much talking about Smørrebrød makes me hungry, so I am gonna have some now… Smørrebrød is by the way very delicious! Here the original stuff on display in Denmark:  

On the spotlight: Carles Abellan

Carles Abellan seems never resting; the genuine Spanish chef has founded and co-founded several food hot-spots, among them Comerç 24,Tapas 24, and Tapas 24 Montreal. For all of you who have not heard about him, please, check out his website: Here, he maintains a blog and shares some very delicious recipes. A language translator allows all non-Catalan/non-Spanish speakers to follow the recipes as well.